Tuesday, August 19, 2014

 Teaching Prayer....

Is hard for some parents to do.  It requires knowing how to do it for ourselves before confidently passing on prayer to our children.  I have had times in my life when prayer was difficult for me.  I had very specific prayers that I wanted answers to (and didn't get).  So, my outlook on prayer has changed dramatically.

Our scripture from Sunday was from the Parable of the Persistent Widow (Luke 18:1-8).  In the parable the widow is persistent in bothering the judge.  She won't take 'no' as an answer.  Jesus used this parable to remind us that prayer and petition are essential in our relationship with Him.  We must constantly pray and talk with God during our day-to-day journey's so we can become closer to Him and confident in his love for us.  

One thing I try and remember when praying is to thank God.  Sounds simple, right?  Most of the people I speak to pray only when they are in turmoil or have a need.  They forget they must be in constant prayer and give glory and thanks to God for the small things they have.  It's like a Pollyanna approach to the "good game."  Remember she always found a "good" thing out of the bad?  It's hard to do.  I remember praying to God for a child.  I cried, yelled, bargained and still it didn't come.  I went through three years of extreme emotional turmoil and constantly struggled with finding the good.  I'm not saying once my attitude changed to positive I became pregnant (because it didn't) but a wise friend told me when I changed my prayers to thanksgiving for the things I did have my outward attitude would change for the better and my inward struggle would become peaceful... And, they were right.  For me, this journey of learning to pray with a thankful heart was a God journey.  I learned that through Him my desires would be provided.  

The other important thing to think about when praying is that the plan has already been written.  God knows what will be and what will come.  He wrote our script and we must do our part.  So, when I pray now I acknowledge that the plan is written and I ask God to help me see it.  I still occasionally ask for a specific petition but mostly I ask for patience and understanding of His plan.

My plan in teaching my children to pray is simple.  Talk with God.  Tell Him about your day.  Praise Him for all the beautiful things around us.  Thank Him for providing.  Ask Him for forgiveness.  Pray for those around us that are sick or hurting.  Ask Him to guide us and hold us and love us.  Simple and straightforward.  If your family sings you may use praise and worship songs to pray.  Pray as a family.  Model your simple prayers with your children.  You will be astounded at what your child will create.  And the big question... what if your child prays for something specific and doesn't get it?  A hard lesson for our little people.  We must embrace the belief that God has the plan.  It may not be what we want right this moment but we must have faith that he will provide for us.  We are all living proof of that!


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