Monday, August 4, 2014

Teaching Our Children the Cost of Discipleship

Our scripture focus this week comes from Luke 14:25 - 35.  It begins with Jesus outlining the demands of following him.  He states in vs. 25 - 26 "Whoever comes to me and doesn't hate father and mother, spouse and children, and brothers and sisters - yes, even one's own life - cannot be my disciple.  Whoever doesn't carry their own cross and follow me cannot be my disciple."  Wow.  Pretty powerful words.  We must pick Jesus over all others.  I must love Jesus more than my husband, my children, my parents... In order to follow Him my heart must put Him first.  This can be a hard verse for our children to hear as well; they use the word hate in a different context (we all do, really).  After researching the Greek word for hate it does not always mean what's written in our dictionary of modern culture.  In fact, within the context of the biblical time the word hate simply means to love less.  So, when we discuss this verse I often intermingle the word hate with love less.

When we begin reading the parable (vs. 28) "If one of you wanted to build a tower, wouldn't you first sit down and calculate the cost, to determine whether you have enough money to complete it?"  My short answer: YES!  Whenever a project comes up I make the necessary lists and confer with my spouse regarding finances to make sure once we begin it can be completed.  I try and make sure when I'm making medical decisions for my children that I've thought through all the complex scenarios that come with it.  I am a planner; therefore this verse comes easy to me.  For others who read this verse they may not need to think things through as much as I do; they are more a jump in and see kind of people.  Jesus asks again in vs. 31 "Or what king would go to war against another king without first sitting down to consider whether his ten thousand soldiers could go up against the twenty thousand coming against him?"  Jesus is laying out what the discipleship expectation is for us.  He wants us to be sure we will love Him the most.

Let's talk about applying this to teaching our children.  You may discuss what kinds of things you and your child prepare for.  I know school's coming up for us and we often talk about what we need to do to prepare ourselves for that transition.  Your child may play sports - what do you have to do in order to be ready to play?  Or, an instrument, making dinner, planting a garden.  The list is endless.  Let your child come up with a few ideas and talk about how you must prepare in order to be successful at what you want to do.  Next, talk about how much YOU love God.  Explain that your love for God comes before your love for them.  You may be surprised that your child will accept this and support this.  A hands on activity is a fun way to bring it home and make it clearer as well.  Draw a few circles on a blank piece of paper.  Have your child write or draw a picture of their favorite things.  You may want to guide them with a list of people, pets, places, etc.  After they've filled all the circles you've provided have them cover each circle with a piece of foil you've cut to match.  Explain that the 'coin' is a way you count the cost of being a disciple of Christ.

Here's a sample of what we did in Sunday School.

Remember to close the lesson with a prayer and remind your child of your love for them with a hug and kiss!

Have a great week!


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